ARIF’s training for financial advisers
Target audience
- Customer advisors, registered as advisors
- Financial service providers subject to the FINSA
The courses are also open to the following people:
- Asset management companies (qualified managers, compliance officers and employees)
- Auditors
- Any interested public
Content and duration of the courses
- FinSA initial training: This 4-hour training course is recognised by the registers as basic training in FinSA rules of conduct. It is provided in e-learning format and is therefore accessible at all times. It is supplemented by a knowledge validation test.
- FinSA continuous training: This 2-hour training course, recognised by the registers, is given in the form of a webinar and must be taken before each renewal of registration.
Training requirements for advisers on the register of advisers
Basic training : 4h basic training FINSA
Continuing education : 2h every 2 years of regulatory continuing education FINSA
Validation / recognition possibilities
Basic MLA training : | NO |
MLA continuing education : | NO |
Asset Management Companies (qualified managers, compliance officers and staff) : | YES (only FinSA) |
Trustees (qualified managers, compliance officers and staff): | NO |
Councillors’ Register : | YES |
SAQ (CWMA recertification) : | YES |
SRO auditors: | NO |
SO auditors: | YES |
All training courses provided by ARIF automatically give the right to a certificate sent directly to the participant.
If you require specific certificates (CWMA, other registers, etc.), please indicate this when you register.
Accessible at all times
FINSA – RECURRENT TRAINING [2] Distribution of financial products and financial services case law