Measures towards Syria (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
Measures towards Libya (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
FAQ – Sanctions against Russia (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
Measures towards the Democratic Republic of Congo (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
Measures against persons and organizations linked to Osama bin Laden, the “Al-Qaida” group, or the Taliban (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
Measures against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
Measures against persons and organizations linked to Osama bin Laden, the “Al-Qaïda” group or the Taliban (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
Measures concerning Moldova (in French) (in German) (in Italian)
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OAD riconosciuto dalla FINMA / SRO recognised by FINMA